I Want To Awaken The Sleeping Giant

Do you want to unleash your full potential and awaken the giant in you? If so, continue reading this article.

In many moments of our life we ​​feel that we are not entirely happy. That giant that once resided in us is now asleep. Today is the time to wake him up, to wake up the sleeping giant.

Life is not easy and that is something that we must always bear in mind, because we always attach great importance to the negative things that happen to us. We must include them as something normal in our life, as normal as the positive experiences we have.

Everything negative helps us in our learning. It helps us to be better people, to improve ourselves every day, to learn new things. Without the negative we would never find the door to the positive.

Learning to be a little happier

Happiness is something that everyone seeks, although sometimes you have it but are not aware of it. Valuing what you have around you will be a very important step to begin to be happy. Stop and think about everything around you; in what you have achieved. Lastly, avoid comparing yourself to others.

sleeping giant

But what do we do with all those moments that distress us? What can we do when they make us feel that we are very small? It’s easy to say, we just have to wake up our sleeping giant. 

To do this, we must follow some guidelines that will help us to be a little happier and to awaken that inner self that we had asleep and lacking self-esteem. Today is the day to wake him up, come on!

Speak all you need, express yourself!

Sometimes we keep things to ourselves, so as not to involve others with the false belief that we may unintentionally upset or worry them. Talking about something that worries you will relieve you, expressing yourself can even clarify your ideas.

Why do you keep your giant asleep? Wake up! You are not worrying anyone, stop pretending that everything is fine. If you need to tell what happens to you, do it! There will be many people happy to listen to you without judging.

Manage your memories well

As we mentioned well, in our life we ​​give great importance to all those negative experiences that we have lived. Really, when you turn your eyes to your past, what do you remember? What memories do you hold the most in your mind?

Think about all those memories, analyze them and learn from them. You will realize how much you have changed and instead of drowning in them, take advantage of them to give yourself the necessary impetus to keep going regardless of the difficulties.

It’s time to rediscover yourself and wake up the sleeping giant

It is in the worst moments when we learn to know ourselves better, when we realize who we really are. Take the best position in the face of this fact and see how you are. What do you like and what don’t you like. Are you doing something wrong?

If you have ever thought about changing or have wondered what you are like, it is in these moments that you should analyze yourself. Of course, analyze yourself with real eyes and do not close your eyes to what you do not like. Because if you don’t like it, change it!

You can’t control it all

This is something that you must take into account, you cannot control everything, in fact, you can hardly control things. Therefore, you must start accepting things. They hurt? Sure, but look at what you can learn from everything that has gone wrong for you, from everything that has hurt you.

Negative experiences happen, but there is something very good about them: the power to learn and move on. The only block exists only in your mind. Accept that things happen, accept your defeats, accept your failures. The sleeping giant in you will wake up and rise even stronger if possible.

sleeping giant

We believe that we must always show ourselves strong, courageous, when we are not able to see that the greatest have also been the weakest at the time. Recognizing mistakes, recognizing that there is a giant in you, but that you do not see it, will be essential to start waking up.

Final thoughts

Wake up to all that you are capable of, wake up to opportunities, wake up to who you really are. You are a giant, although at times you can feel very small. It is something normal, something human.

The important thing is to know how to get up, even when you have stumbled a thousand times; trust you, even if self-esteem is not on your side. Are you ready to wake up your sleeping giant? Or … have you already woken him up?

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