Infusions To Take Every Hour Of The Day

Herbal infusions are a simple and pleasant way to prevent health problems. We can take them hot or cold, so there is no excuse not to benefit from them at any time of the year.

In this article we introduce you to the infusions that can be good for you to face your daily routine.

Debug on an empty stomach

What we consume first thing in the morning, just when we get up, has powerful effects on the body, both positive and negative. That is why it is essential to start the day and break the night fast with water or herbal teas.

We propose an excellent mix to start the day:

  • Dandelion: this wild plant improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, since it is very cleansing in general.
  • Stevia: this plant is a natural sweetener that alkalizes the body. Also, it slightly reduces stress and takes care of dental health.

We will add the juice of half a lemon and drink it hot or warm, half an hour before breakfast.

Energy in the morning

Red tea

Do not hesitate, in the middle of the morning green tea is the best choice. It gives you energy and a large amount of antioxidants and minerals. In addition, it is a potential source of cognitive activity thanks to the fact that it contains significant amounts of L-theanine.

However, several studies indicate that it should not be confused with green tea extract as it could cause constipation, abdominal discomfort, nausea and increased blood pressure.

In addition, it is healthier to take it outside of meals so that it does not interfere with the assimilation of iron. You can combine it with mint or lemon.

Red tea is also a good alternative if you are following a weight loss plan, as it helps burn fat. Its flavor combines very well with ceylon cinnamon.

Facilitates digestion

After eating, along with dessert, we recommend taking a digestive infusion of mint, anise and ginger.

These three plants, as the book Improve your digestion points out, avoid flatulence, bloating, heaviness and heartburn. Therefore, they will allow you to regain energy as soon as possible to rejoin the rhythm of the afternoon.

Delight in the flavors

The afternoon, that moment when we want to have something light before dinner, is ideal to choose aromatic infusions.  In addition, we will opt for one that has non-stimulant medicinal properties. We do not want to make it difficult to rest at night.

  • Rooibos : Rooibos is popularly called tea. However, it does not belong to this family, but is a red shrub of African origin with numerous health properties. Several studies highlight its antioxidant, digestive, diuretic, slightly laxative, relaxing, etc. The great advantage of this infusion is that it has a flavor that is usually mixed with delicacies such as nuts or chocolate. We can also add a splash of milk or vegetable drink and a little honey. A delicious and very healthy snack!
  • White tea : this delicate variety of tea is the least stimulating of all and the one that contains the most antioxidants according to this study from the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. Some preparations combine it with citrus fruits and rose petals.

Get ready for the break


During the evening and even after dinner, we can take infusions that help us relax and provide us with a good rest. Especially if we suffer from insomnia or we are living a time of more nervousness and stress.

This last infusion of the day should be with little water, to avoid the urge to urinate at night. A small cup will suffice.

We can choose between the following plants:

  • Melissa or lemon balm : this plant with a mild flavor helps us both to relax and improve digestion. That is why it is a good option after dinner. It is also very suitable when we feel those nerves in the pit of the stomach.
  • Tila : linden is one of the best known plants for its relaxing functions. It also fights stress, anguish and the nerves that affect the stomach.
  • Passionflower: this medicinal plant has calming properties and facilitates rest. With the novelty that it reduces anxiety and relieves muscle aches.
  • Valerian : treats not only insomnia, but also helps us fight anxiety, stress, anxiety states and headaches.

Contraindications of infusions

Medicinal plants should be taken with caution. Do not abuse them. Always take them under medical supervision, especially if you suffer from any disease, are pregnant or taking medication.

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