Is It Bad To Swallow An Olive Stone?

Some people wonder if it is wrong to swallow an olive stone. As a general rule, these products are not considered as edible, since they are not digestible by the human intestine and do not have nutrients of interest.

However, on occasion some of these bones can be accidentally ingested, although it is normal to discard them. For this reason, we are going to tell you below if this situation entails any danger to health.

In this way, if at any point in your life it happens to you, you will know how to act to minimize risks. In addition, you can be attentive to the associated symptoms to contact a professional.

The olive stone is not digestible

The human intestine is not capable of digesting the olive pit, so, in the case of swallowing one of these, it will be evacuated without undergoing major modifications. These products do not have nutrients inside and could be classified within the group of fibers.

However, when we talk about fiber, we are usually referring to much smaller indigestible particles. Also to certain substances that are capable of retaining water inside or being fermented at the intestinal level.

There is sufficient scientific evidence to state that fiber fermentations cause beneficial effects on human health. One of them could be the reduction of systemic inflammation.

In any case, the olive stones cannot be fermented or used by the bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract. Therefore, they do not have any benefits from a nutritional point of view.

Olives in a bowl

Choking is possible

One of the main dangers of swallowing an olive pit is choking on it. Upper airway obstruction is a problem that may require surgical intervention in the most severe cases.

Hard objects, or compact and indigestible foods, are susceptible to triggering this process. The bones of fruits or animals are capable of choking that can endanger the health of the individual.

This is the greatest danger of ingesting an olive stone. In the event that it gets stuck in the throat or larynx, the first option would be to use the Heimlich maneuver, known for a long time in medicine. We will tell you how to carry it out.

Heimlich maneuver

The appropriate thing to do to carry out this maneuver is to ask the person who has choked to remain calm and calm. The individual who will perform the technique will stand behind the choking, wrapping his arms around his waist.

One of the hands must be placed above the navel with a closed fist, while the available hand is in charge of covering it. Next, the abdomen should be pressed hard, trying to lift the person who has slightly choked up, for at least 5 times in a row.

In the event that the maneuver does not work and we are unable to solve the problem, it would be appropriate to go to the emergency room before the problem progresses. However, if the choking does not improve with the maneuver itself, do not insist on its practice.

A study published in The American Journal of the Medical Sciences assures that executing this technique abruptly and repeatedly could cause a rupture of the diaphragm. Similarly, the ribs, especially in children, can fracture.

Heimlich maneuver

Beyond choking, swallowing a bone is safe

Choking is, therefore, the only risk derived from swallowing an olive stone. It is also possible to suffer certain stomach or intestinal discomfort, but they are not frequent. The most common is that the olive stone leaves the body undigested, in the same way that it entered.

For this reason, you should not worry excessively if you have accidentally ingested a fruit or meat bone. However, if you suffer severe intestinal pain, go to the doctor so they can assess your case. Some painkiller or a drug that increases intestinal motility will be prescribed if it is necessary to deposit the object faster.

Don’t worry if you swallow an olive pit

As we have seen, swallowing an olive pit is not particularly harmful to health, although it is a practice that should be avoided in order to prevent choking and associated complications. If you’ve ingested any, stay calm. In the case of choking, ask someone close to you for help. In the situation of not being able to solve the problem, go to the hospital quickly.

In addition, once the respiratory disorder has been overcome, it is convenient to drink plenty of water to facilitate intestinal transit. In this way, gastrointestinal discomfort derived from slow and heavy digestion will be reduced.

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