Laurel And Its Digestive Properties

Although it is believed that it can be a good remedy to alleviate digestive ailments, we must be careful and not overindulge in its consumption, as it can have side effects and cause nausea, vomiting and gastric irritations.

The laurel is a plant that, although it is wild, has a slow growth, well known in gastronomy for its taste and strong aroma. It is said that it can offer many properties, such as hepatic, carminative, antirheumatic, diuretic and dermatological, and that  it can be characterized as providing a good remedy for digestive problems.

First of all, you should know that to take advantage of all the benefits of bay leaves, they must be completely dry, since fresh could become toxic. Here are some possible properties and uses of laurel:

1. Reduce anxiety

Smell of laurel reduces anxiety

According to a study, burning bay leaves at home can be a natural relaxant and can help reduce anxiety, as it has a calming effect on the body and mind. Just try to do it once in a while, not every day.

2. Digestive properties

The leaves of this plant are used in hundreds of preparations in the kitchen and, in turn, as a medicine to relieve indigestion due to a popular belief, since  in its composition are unsaturated fatty acids, organic acids, bactericidal substances and antioxidants, as well as calcium, manganese, potassium, and magnesium.

Also, it is said that laurel is good to stimulate the appetite thanks to cineol and eugenol, ideal for convalescents or those who need to gain weight. However, there are no recent studies that demonstrate this fact, so it is best, in these cases, to ask the doctor before making any change in our lifestyle.

On the other hand, according to a study by Joohee JUNG, Je-Hyuk LEE, Ki Hwan BAE and Choon-Sik JEONG, cineole and eogenol are substances that prevent heartburn and gas formation.

3.  Fight diabetes

Studies published in the  Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition  indicate that consuming 1 to 3 grams of bay leaves per day may lower glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides in patients with type II diabetes.

4.  Accelerates wound healing

According to a study published in the journal  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicinebay oil  accelerates wound healing due to its anti-microbial properties against the most common bacteria.

For this reason, it is used to regenerate the epidermis or to treat certain skin conditions caused by fungi, as well as for bruises, burns, ulcers, abscesses or acne.

5. Expecting and bactericidal properties

laurel infusion

In addition to preventing heartburn, laurel is popularly attributed with expectorant properties and is recommended to alleviate some respiratory disorders, since it favors the expulsion of mucus , being excellent for pharyngitis and bronchitis due to its bactericidal substances.

To access these possible benefits, you can drink the infusion (cooking bay leaves with water) or tea (adding leaves of the plant in a cup of boiling water). However, the best thing in these cases is to go to a specialist doctor to examine us and provide us with an adequate diagnosis and treatment, as there is no scientific evidence of this.

6. In Kitchen

This seasoning is widely used in cooking, because its leaves give a rich aroma and flavor to foods, such as soups and stews. It can also be used with legumes (lentils or chickpeas), fish and chicken.

Finally, we recommend being very careful with the overdose of bay leaf, because it can bring some side effects. Drinking a lot of laurel tea, for example, can bring vomiting, nausea, and irritation to the gastric mucosa. Finally, it is not recommended for pregnant women, since since the Middle Ages it has been believed to induce abortion, although it has not been scientifically proven.

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