Natural Drink Of Cucumber, Lemon And Orange To Accelerate Your Metabolism

Thanks to the vitamins and minerals of cucumber, lemon and orange, this drink is special for when you are on a loss plan weight.

It is true that a natural drink will not magically speed up our metabolism. However, the properties of cucumber, lemon and orange will help you with this process.

The goal of speeding up the metabolism has become a necessity for many people. Due to our high intake of processed foods and soft drinks, the body has been getting intoxicated. This, together with being sedentary, has diminished our ability to expend energy.

Fortunately, it has been proven that adopting a healthy lifestyle and incorporating certain foods into your diet can give you a boost to get things done without difficulty.

Next, we want to teach you how to prepare this delicious and refreshing drink. Its benefits may help stimulate fat burning. In addition, it is low in calories and perfect for hydrating on an empty stomach.

Don’t stop trying it!

Benefits of cucumber, lemon and orange purifying water

For any type of diet it is always recommended to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day. This precious liquid participates in the detoxification of the body and promotes the functions of all body systems.

However, not everyone consumes the recommended amount or has difficulty ingesting it because they do not consider it pleasant.

Therefore, the preparation of a water with cucumber, lemon and orange is an excellent natural alternative to never forget to drink this important drink.

The citrus flavor combined with the refreshing cucumber adds  a hint of flavor to the water. In addition, you can enjoy its incredible properties.

Cucumber benefits

It is estimated that 96% of the cucumber is made up of water. It is a popular vegetable that has a minimal caloric intake and contains significant amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These compounds are actively involved in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Specifically contains:

  • Vitamins A, B, C and E.
  • Minerals such as magnesium, silicon, sulfur, chlorine, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus.
  • Fiber.

It also prevents  common disorders such as the accumulation of toxins and fluids.

Lemon benefits

One of the most popular and widely used medicinal foods is lemon. Its diuretic and purifying properties are used to detoxify the body and facilitate the elimination of retained fluids.

  • It is rich in flavonoids, which eliminate excess fat in the blood and reduce high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. This is stated in this study carried out by the National University of Pusan ​​(Korea).
  • It also provides a fiber known as pectin, which controls the desire to eat high-calorie foods and helps to alkalize the blood.
  • Its antioxidants protect the body and support the function of enzymes that stimulate the liver for proper fat digestion. In the same way, it is hepatoprotective, according to this study carried out by the Chinese Medical University of Taiwan.

Orange benefits


  • Orange is a highly valued citrus fruit from a nutritional point of view. It contains vitamin C and other antioxidants that promote the elimination of toxic waste. In this way, it helps the main organs to function smoothly.
  • Thanks to its contribution to soluble fiber, it helps to clean the intestines while promoting digestion and lowering cholesterol.
  • In fact, its essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins are related to an increase in defenses, according to this study carried out by Tufts University (United States).

How to prepare cucumber, lemon and orange water?

The preparation of this natural drink is very easy and can be done every day to enjoy it at any time of the day. For the drink to help accelerate metabolism, it  is essential to have a glass on an empty stomach so that it acts throughout the day.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 sprig of mint (optional)
  • Ice (optional)

What should you do?

  • To start, wash all the ingredients very well and make sure you leave them very clean.
  • Next, cut the cucumber, lemon and orange into slices, without removing the peel.
  • Then pour the liter of water into a jug and add the citrus and cucumber slices.
  • Then let it sit overnight and start drinking it the next morning.
  • Optionally you can add some mint leaves and ice to make it more refreshing.

For best results, drink the entire liter of water in several doses throughout the day. This will control your appetite and prevent higher calorie foods.

Although this recipe is quite good to complement the treatment, you must bear in mind that diet and exercise are key to losing weight.

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