Natural Treatment For Enlarged Pores

Enlarged pores can arise from oil on the skin. They tend to get bigger as age increases. There are cosmetic treatments that you can use. However, you can apply a natural treatment for enlarged pores. In addition to having a lower cost than industrial ones, they have the possibility of being more effective.

These keep the skin clean, thus removing enlarged and clogged pores along with blackheads and other blemishes. For this reason, it is advisable to use them frequently and long-term to maintain healthy skin.

Causes of enlarged pores

The biggest cause of enlarged pores is oily skin. This is because the pores contain a high percentage of it, causing them to open due to the retention of impurities and dead cells. The size of the sebaceous glands increases and, in this way, a higher percentage of fat is produced.

This helps to give the skin acidity and provides lubrication. Along with this, the dead cells and the sweat produced create an acid mantle to prevent certain infections from bacteria, viruses and fungi.

However, the problem lies when the amount of sebum exceeds neutral and enlarged pores are generated. The skin is shiny and greasy. Also, the use of birth control or estrogens contribute to oily skin.

Also, those who suffer from this dermatologist event tend to have acne because it can be formed thanks to the sebaceous glands. Its size depends on the affected area and the concentration of fat in the skin. However, most individuals tend to be generated in the nose and in the areas of the facial center.

Natural treatment for large pores

There are different natural ways that you can make enlarged pores disappear:

Mayonnaise mask


  • 1 a tablespoon of mayonnaise (20 g).


  • For this natural treatment for enlarged pores, you only need to apply the mayonnaise all over the face.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes. The vinegar and egg in mayonnaise will help to shrink pores and leave skin smoother. However, it is not recommended for those with oily skin.

    An ancient remedy: buttermilk

    In addition to being an ancient skin lightening product, whey is a natural treatment for enlarged pores as it  helps to reduce the size of open pores. The treatment consists of washing your face at night. Then, a cotton ball containing buttermilk is rubbed over the face. After 20 minutes, it should be washed off with cold water.

    Honey, lemon, apple and yogurt mask

    Honey mask as a natural treatment for enlarged pores


    • 1 tablespoon of yogurt (20 g).
    • A grated apple.
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (30 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon (15 g).

    Preparation and application

    • You should mix the yogurt with the apple.
    • Similarly, add honey and lemon.
    • The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
    • Then, it is applied to the face for about 15 to 20 minutes.
    • This mixture that also softens the skin, is perfect to use before going to sleep.

    Almond mask


    • 1/3 cup of almonds (105 g).

    Preparation and application

    • The almonds should be blended until they become a powder.
    • Then, you have to add water gradually until you get a dough.
    • This should be applied starting with the nose and extending it to the areas that contain the enlarged pores.
    • Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.
    • This treatment should be done at least 2 times a week.

    Lemon mask

    Lemon mask as a natural treatment for enlarged pores


    • Juice of one lemon.
    • Water.

    Preparation and application

    • Mix the lemon juice with a little water.
    • It should be applied with cotton and left to act for about half an hour avoiding contact with the eyes.
    • Finally, the mixture is removed with cold water.

    Papaya remedy

    This natural treatment for enlarged pores consists of rubbing a peeled papaya on your face. You must wash your face first. It must be done with the inside of the shell. After 15 minutes, wash your face with slightly hot water. In addition, the treatment serves for the possible reduction of freckles.

    Cucumber, apple, egg and milk mask


    • 1 tablespoon of powdered milk (30 g).
    • 1 grated apple.
    • White of an egg.
    • 1 grated cucumber.

    Preparation and application

    • You need to mix the egg white with the milk.
    • These two ingredients must be beaten without foam.
    • Then the grated apple and cucumber are added.
    • Mix again until you have a uniform paste.
    • It is applied to the face for 15 minutes
    • Finally, the mask is removed with warm water.

    Clay mask

    Clay is a natural treatment for enlarged pores

    The clay mask should be applied once a week and should be made one day in advance. In this natural treatment for large pores,  the clay sucks dirt and oil out of the pores and helps absorb excess oil. In addition, it reduces large pores because it cleanses them.

    Lemon cream


    • Facial cream.
    • A few drops of lemon

    Preparation and application

    • All that is needed is to add a few drops of lemon to the face cream in another container.
    • Then, it is mixed and applied to the face as if it were a mask for 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Afterwards, the mixture is removed with warm water.

    Other treatment options for large pores


    Exfoliation goes a long way in reducing large pores. The glycolic acid in scrubs helps soften the deepest sinks of salicylic acid and the top layer of the skin. In this way, the pores are unblocked and their size decreases.

    If the skin is very sensitive or has acne, it is advisable to use exfoliating enzymes containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) instead of scrubbing. Otherwise, bacteria could emerge or the skin could be scratched.

    Along with this, it is advisable that the exfoliants contain retinol so that the production of cells is more efficient and, in this way, an exfoliation can be performed from the inside. However, pregnant women should not use retinol under any circumstances.

    Moisturize and cleanse the skin

    Moisturize and cleanse the skin as a treatment for large pores

    An alternative to a natural treatment for large pores is to use a skin cleanser that does not scratch and damage the skin. In addition, you must avoid some products that dehydrate it because it makes the pores more noticeable and visible. They should also avoid sun exposures and reduce or eliminate cigarette smoking.

    The face should be washed with a mild soap and, whenever makeup is used, try to remove it before sleeping so that the pores are clean. Also, a daily cleansing can be done with a moisturizer that does not contain oil.

    Daily care

    Treatments for pores should not contain alcohol. It is necessary to ensure that the cream used can be used under makeup and that it contains salicylic acid and mattifying agents so that they absorb the oil on the skin.


    This is a somewhat extreme exfoliation for those who large pores are an ongoing problem. In this way, the skin is smoothed, enlarged pores are reduced, some wrinkles and dry spots are eliminated. Therefore, it is a good option for those with mature skin.

    To be

    Laser treatments are recommended as a last option due to cost. However, its effects have more permanence. These are used in medical spas and private clinics.

    The process of laser treatments constitutes a pulse of light that is directed directly to the skin. If used, avoid contact with the sun so that the skin does not suffer damage.

    If you have oily skin and want to improve the health of your skin, use some natural treatment for large pores. Soon your skin will feel smoother and healthier.

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