One Day Someone Is Going To Hug You So Tight That Your Broken Parts Will Come Together Again

There are people who hug us with so much force that it seems that they are going to break us, but in truth they are adjusting the suit of love to our body. Hugging someone very strong  creates a special harmony between mind, body and our emotions.

There are hugs that do not solve anything, but that have the ability to comfort us. That someone surrounds us in a sincere way can come to mend our parts broken by time, to drive away loneliness and fears and to fill us with joy.

Even so, incredible as it may seem, there are people who do not like to receive hugs, because they feel uncomfortable and invaded. However, in reality we all need someone to surround us with warmth at one point or another in our lives.

There are hundreds of hugs waiting for us

There are many ways to hug someone you love.

We couldn’t write a novel about the kinds of hugs because we would never finish. There are as many as people, situations and relationships, depending on the message they want to convey. Thus, we can find the following.

Bear hugs

One person embraces the other and holds them lovingly against their body. This type of hugging transmits true messages of support and affection.

A’s hugs

This is the most formal hug, but not for that it transmits less. It consists of hugging the other and slightly resting the chin on the corresponding shoulder.

The sandwich hugs

Sandwich hugs are those that occur between three people, so they are very familiar. They are full of unconditionality.

The impetuous hugs

They are characterized by the impulse to tie up the other and show affection, which makes them ideal for expressing affection and good wishes.

The hugs from the heart

The hugs from the heart are those that give the body completely, in such a way that the arms surround the back and shoulders of the couple. It is one of the most dedicated hugs that exist.

Hugs from the side

This type is ideal when it comes to taking a walk or keeping the wait in permanent union. They reflect the need and desire to be together.

Hugs from behind

These types of hugs are the most endearing and romantic. One of the members approaches from behind and melts their bodies. You only need to remember scenes as famous as the one in the movie Titanic to realize the passion they give off.

Group hugs

Hugging in a group is a unique experience.

It is one of the types that symbolizes the most unity and unconditional support, greatly comforting its members.

All these hugs are healing, as they contribute to our psychological well-being and our emotional development. Thus, with this simple gesture we obtain hundreds of irreplaceable sensations that go beyond the barrier of the describable.

Do we know how to hug?

To know how to embrace we only need to have a charged soul and a body to merge with the other. However, for a hug to convey everything we want, we must start by rehearsing with ourselves.

The questions that arise now are the following: Have you ever hugged? Have you been hot? Have you alleviated your sadness? Working on self-arms is essential to be nourished and stay united.

Let’s say that, through an intimate, sincere and own hug we reaffirm and bond with ourselves, moving away from the armor and approaching the authenticity on which self-love is based.

If you hug, you love yourself. If you love yourself, you recognize yourself. And, if you recognize yourself, you build yourself. Because gathering ourselves in our arms releases our emotions and allows us to get closer to the good things in life.

The benefits of hugs

Thanks to hugs we validate our right to exist, to experience, to be who we are, to need, to touch, to be healthy and happy, to create, to be intimate, to be free and to love.

It is quite difficult to list all the benefits that a hug brings us, since there are as many benefits as there are hugs. Thus, in a general way, we can comment on some of the advantages of positive hugs:

  • They decrease stress.
  • They help our self-esteem.
  • They transmit energy and strength.
  • They improve interpersonal relationships.
  • They promote the feeling of tranquility.
  • They offer security and protection, or so they make you feel.

The hugs, a caress of the soul

Hugging is delving into the roots of affection. Many of our most meaningful memories contain hugs, because at that moment they comforted us. Thus, hugging is a wonderful way to give love to those around us and caress their soul.

Hugs are often the best therapy, as they make us feel renewed and worthy of love. Each hug has its own language, which makes it the shortest way to communicate with the one you love.

That is, through hugs we say more than with our words. Melting the bodies fills us with joy and transmits a characteristic peace that relaxes us a lot.

Hugs are a reliable source of empathic communication that allows us to better understand how we feel and how others feel, thus being able to show our love and support.

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