Open Relationships: Are They Worth It?

The open relationships can only exist in very safe couples themselves and with very clear agreements. Both members must be convinced to start this type of experience. Otherwise, everything could easily fall apart. Giving a single answer, whether open pairs are worth it, is a mistake. In practice, it all depends on the way in which this situation is faced, the personalities of those who participate and the respect with which they are handled.

What should be taken into account when being in an open relationship? What pros and cons can there be? If this is your situation, or as a couple you are thinking about it, you should read this information.

Can all people form open relationships?

Not all people are emotionally ready to break out of monogamy. In fact, it may happen that, given the proposal of your partner to stay together, but have freedom to meet other people or polyamory, the reaction is not ideal.

open relationships

Characteristics of people who manage to enjoy open relationships

To enjoy an open relationship, you may need to have certain specific characteristics:

1. High self-esteem

They are people who have ample confidence in themselves, which allows them not to fall into the fear of losing their partner. They know clearly that they are always their partner’s primary choice. Jealousy has no place in that lifestyle. In other words, these third parties do not represent any competition.

On the other hand, contact with other people can enliven sexual contact with your partner, improve intimate relationships and break monotony. All of this affects self-esteem.

2. They know how to communicate and respect rules

Communication skills are a fundamental factor in all relationships, especially in open relationships. So that there are no misunderstandings or injured egos, every detail must be discussed in advance with absolute freedom. Thus, common rules for managing links can be set and accepted.

As long as these standards are adhered to, the margins for trouble are greatly reduced. In the same way, it is necessary to have the possibility to renegotiate these agreements when they believe that something is not working.

3. Free from moralistic conventions

Men and women who adhere to certain religious or cultural conventions defending monogamy can hardly be successful in open relationships. The same happens with macho thoughts that include, among their laws, owning their women.

If the couple is made up of people from this group, not a minute is worth wasting on conversations about relationship freedom. Well, the convictions are so deep and strong, that the risks of a breakup are very high. Humans with an extremely open mind are needed, so that they are not affected, not even by the criticisms of their relatives or friends who do not understand these relationships.

Difference between open relationships and infidelities

There are those who consider that open relationships are ultimately a type of disguised infidelity. But surely that idea arises from your inability to accept these types of relationships. There is actually a very clear difference between the two concepts and it is very good to know.

open relationships

Indifelity is basically a deception, a lie. A betrayal of the trust that the couple places in the unfaithful person. It is the breaking of a commitment established between two people, who vow to be loyal and exclusive to each other. Infidelity is the act by which a person has a love or sexual bond with a third party without the knowledge of their partner.

Open relationships also include links with third parties, but the difference is that they occur with the agreement of all parties. So, there is no deception that can harm the pillar of the family, that is, it does not affect trust.

Possible risks of open relationships

As with other relationships, certain risks may arise when establishing an open relationship:

1. One regrets and it is difficult to go back with the decision

They have been living this experience for a while, and suddenly you notice that it is not what you expected. A recurring problem is that, when raising this with your partner, you find that your partner lives the relationship very happily and does not want to return to monogamy. Dealing with these feelings and desires between the two of you can lead to couples therapy or even separation.

2. Falls in love with the third party in discord

Open relationships

While one of the common rules in all open relationships is not to fall in love with third parties, it can happen. Love is not something easy to handle with reason and it causes these bad plays. Falling in love with another person is a present risk that causes great problems in the couple. In fact, many decide to form a new monogamous story with this new being who conquered their hearts.

3. Insecurities, reproaches and wear

Beyond the fantasy of having a more liberal, modern and youthful life, it happens that many people are not as confident as they believed. Then your own insecurities cause disasters in your relationship. They pretend to be very outdated people, but at the slightest occasion they reproach or mistreat their partner in this contract. They cannot control jealousy and an ambiguity in their feelings is generated that does not allow them to be happy with the relationship.

Open Relationships: Final Comments

Open relationships exist and can be very beneficial for some or tragic for others. If you think it is a good alternative to experiment, first it is important to be completely safe and secure in your relationship.

Clear and regularly reviewed rules help avoid the risks associated with these types of relationships. Shame or pride should be put aside, so that everything you feel can be expressed to your partner before it is too late. Do you think you are ready or is it better to leave it as one more fantasy?

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