Over Time You Discover That There Are Battles That Are No Longer Worth It

As time goes by, we realize that there are battles that are no longer worth it. We write off many conversations, youthful dreams, and even certain people.

Far from assuming these events as real losses, we must see them for what they are. Aspects on which we once put illusions to realize that, indeed, our worries and desires were not worth so much.

Growing, maturing and advancing over time is like putting together the pieces of a  more or less perfect puzzle. For a time we clung to fitting impossible fragments in the wrong places. Only time and our wisest vision have finally made us see the truth: that there are things and people that fit into other maps than ours.

Next, we suggest you reflect on it.

Battles teach us that sometimes losing is necessary

During youth there are many things that come to us almost without our being able to choose them. It is like being carried downstream by a raging river, nervous and full of life.

We fall in love with the first person who comes along and dazzles us. We create friendships just because they are close. Because they are classmates, friends of friends … We accept them as someone who forcibly eats a dish that does not quite please him.

Sad girl thinking.

During this first stage of life we accept all this because we only have one purpose: to integrate, to fit in. This is what the adolescent who takes his first steps in life, validating himself with respect to what others say and do, craves.

However, as we progress, things change. There comes a day when we become select, very select. We know very well what we want and who we do not want in our life.

Fewer people, but better people

In the end, indeed, that day does come. You look back while doing an emotional reading. Take a look at your heart to figure out a few things.

  • We finally discovered that there are aspects that we used to give importance to and that, now, have expired.
  • If before you valued social success and having many friends, now you appreciate the calm of small groups more.
  • If before you filled your head with unruly projects, now you fix your horizon on a single purpose.
  • It is even possible that before you fought battles that left you seriously injured. You expected to be loved by that person. Be recognized by your family. Show others how much you were worth …
  • However, now, those battles are written off. Because your heart is already wiser and in it dwells that knowledge that refuses to continue fighting wars that take you away from yourself.

The only person to whom you have to prove your worth is you. If they don’t love you, you know the last thing to do is beg for love.

Maturing is growing inside following the path you want

There are battles that are completely useless. It’s like going against the tide. Like trying to get certain people to change their minds or be as we expect.

  • Maturing is growing inside to realize that there are paths that should not be taken. Especially those that mark us by others and that go against our essences.
  • Growing up is finally acting bravely to say what we want and what we don’t. Without fear of what others may think or say.
  • Choosing the path that one wants also requires cutting certain ties, certain ties. Those who brought us so many tears and so many struggles that now, we also give up for lost.

These kinds of personal steps are not easy to take. So much so that many people continue to fight impossible battles with which they destroy themselves. With which they lose their self-esteem.

However, sooner or later we can take those steps and gain something more important: dignity.

How to stop fighting battles that only bring us tears

It is valid to walk away and stop fighting in battles that only bring us tears.

Is not easy. Leaving those personal battlefields where many of us are now involves many things. Sometimes, we think that it is worth continuing to fight for that impossible relationship. For those friends we love but who betray us from time to time.

  • We tell ourselves that, as good children, nephews or cousins, we must give everything for the family.
  • However, many of these battles are long overdue. Because they only bring us pain and because, believe it or not, these people are never going to change.
  • Although it hurts, sometimes it is better to cut certain personal threads and get out of those “warlike environments” where our self-esteem is “bombarded”. Keep in mind that whoever hurts you simply does not love you.

Remember that brave is not the one who gives everything for nothing. Brave is someone who is able to fight for what is really worth in this life : their own happiness and that of our loved ones.

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