Puff Pastry Braid Stuffed With Salmon

The puff pastry braid stuffed with salmon is one of the typical dishes that is very good for a dinner with guests.

This recipe can be made even if you are a beginner in the kitchen.

When you prepare this delicious puff pastry braid stuffed with salmon, you will see how it becomes part of your basic recipes to pamper your guests.

Puff pastry braid stuffed with smoked salmon


  • 1 sheet of frozen puff pastry.
  • Philadelphia type cheese spread.
  • 1 leek (optional).
  • Some slices of smoked salmon.
  • Salt.
  • Extra virgin olive oil, margarine or butter.
  • 1 egg to paint the puff pastry.
  • Flour.

Preparation mode

puff pastry chicken

  • First, preheat the oven to 200ºC.
  • Then roll the puff pastry into a rectangle with a rolling pin on the table dusted with flour.
  • Chop the leeks and also brown them with a little olive oil, margarine or butter.
  • Put the cheese spread on the puff pastry, then the leeks and on top the salmon. Remember to put it right in the center of the puff pastry.
  • The braid is very easy to do. On the 2 sides of the puff pastry, make diagonal cuts and then insert a ribbon on each side of the puff pastry until it is closed. The braid is ready.
  • Paint with beaten egg.
  • Lastly, bake for about 15 minutes.

Puff pastry braid stuffed with fresh salmon


  • 3-4 thinly sliced ​​loins of fresh or frozen salmon.
  • 1 plate of frozen puff pastry.
  • 200 grams of fresh or frozen spinach.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 tablespoon Philadelphia type cheese spread.
  • 1 egg to paint the puff pastry.
  • Olive oil.

Preparation mode

  • First, cook the spinach. Also fry the diced onion with olive oil.
  • Add the cooked and well drained spinach.
  • Give it a few turns and, in addition, add a tablespoon of cream cheese.
  • Put the spinach mixture in the center of the puff pastry sheet cut into a rectangle shape and put the salmon fillets on top.
  • Then make diagonal cuts on each side of the puff pastry.
  • Go folding the tapes from one side to the other.
  • Finally, paint with beaten egg and place in the oven preheated to 200ºC.

Homemade puff pastry

If you are excited to make your own homemade puff pastry, we give you a very simple recipe so you don’t get too complicated. Puff pastry can be quite complicated and made according to the recipe.


  • (200 grams) of puff pastry flour (you can find it in a specialty bakery store).
  • (200 grams) of very cold butter.
  • (125 ml) of ice water.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt or sugar depending on whether you want it sweet or salty, in this case it would be salty.

Processing modes

  • First, sift the flour. Then put it in a bowl, add the water, the butter cut into pieces, the salt and mix it in a very simple way without trying to dissolve the butter, leaving it as is.
  • Beat the mixture with a rolling pin to make a rectangle.
  • Fold the dough into 3 parts and then beat it again.
  • Repeat the operation again: bend and hit.
  • Finally, put it in the fridge for 15 minutes, take it out and fold it again and beat for 3 more times.

Varieties for your puff pastry braid stuffed with salmon

This would be a basic recipe, but you can make a thousand variants:

  • Substitute the Philadelphia type cheese for white cheese spread with roquefort, fine herbs or for emmental cream cheese or tranchetes.
  • Also, you can decorate your braid before putting it in the oven with sesame seeds.
  • Add ground pepper, oregano, nutmeg to the white cheese.
  • Substitute the leek for chives or onion.
  • You can also add some capers to the cream cheese.


Tips and tricks for your frozen puff pastry

  • Take the puff pastry out of the freezer in good time. It is better to defrost it by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator , never at room temperature; it will thaw evenly.
  • Moisten it a little with cold water (a few strokes) once it is thawed.
  • Always have the oven preheated to high temperature, about 200ºC.
  • Always paint it with beaten egg so that it is shiny and does not look dry either.
  • The frozen puff pastry can be stretched without problems but not kneaded.
  • Do not stretch it too much because it will break (it should not be more than 3 cm wide)
  • When you put it in the oven and it takes 10 minutes to 200ºC, then lower the temperature to 190ºC.
  • Flour the table, the rolling pin and also your hands to work it.
  • If you want your puff pastry not to rise in the oven, pierce it with a fork.
  • Do not open the oven during cooking.

This delicious recipe is very simple, delicious and also healthy. Don’t stop preparing and sharing it with your family and your guests.

They will love it!

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