Reasons Why Your Hair May Be Falling Out

When hair falls out, it is necessary to pay attention to certain factors that may be causing this annoying circumstance and remedy it so that it does not progress.

There are a few reasons why your hair may be falling out that you are not being aware of. Hair loss, sometimes, reflects some problems that we do not usually associate with this circumstance. However, knowing the causes will help us solve them.

Sometimes hair loss is totally normal. It should be borne in mind that, more or less, every day is we fall an average of one hundred hairs. This should not worry us, unless the amount starts to increase and persists over time.

Reasons why your hair is falling out

Do you think that more than 100 hairs shed every day? Would you like to know what it can be to remedy it? So maybe this interests you. Here are some reasons why your hair is falling out so you know what you could do to remedy it.

1. High level of stress

My secret: I suffer from anxiety.

Emotions have a lot to do with how we feel physically. Therefore, when a person goes through a period of great stress, their hair may fall out more noticeably. This is very common today and is a form of somatization.

Faced with hair loss, many people are concerned because they believe that they may suffer alopecia or even have the odd bald spot. However, this is not necessarily the case. In many cases, resolving the emotional distress, the hair stops falling out.

As soon as we take care of that great stress and in general we take care of ourselves emotionally, we can start a treatment to strengthen the hair and thus make it regain its density.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis, sometimes, is also a consequence of the aforementioned reason. Stress can make our heads itch, we get flaking on the scalp and, in the most serious cases, we even have a wound due to not being able to avoid scratching ourselves.

Dermatitis weakens and affects the skin of the scalp, the hair follicles become weak, inflamed and are unable to grip each strand of hair well. The result is that it falls and that we lose capillary density.

The solution is found by first treating the causes that may be causing this problem, for example, stress. Then, you have to focus on finding the right product that eliminates itching and solves this condition, for this, you can consult a dermatologist.

Once all this is done, a process can be started to regain the density in the hair so that it stops falling.

3. Seasonal changes

Your hair is falling out

There are two times of the year when hair can fall more noticeably: spring and fall. Right with the respective change of season.

Although spontaneous seasonal hair loss may terrify us in the first place, the truth is that it should not worry us. It is something momentary that will not last in time and that has to do with the time of year in which we find ourselves.

Hair that is lost due to seasonal changes is recovered. So we don’t have to obsess over that drop. What the hair is doing is renewing itself.

What can you do?

You can go to the doctor to a dermatologist to examine you and tell you if the hair loss is momentary and whether or not you should worry or if you have to start a specific treatment.

Sometimes, hair loss can be the product of a poor diet, a hormonal change, metabolic problems or simply the result of genetics. In those cases, the solution is also in the adoption and maintenance of good life habits.

Do you know the reasons why your hair may be falling out? Are you aware of what times of the year you fall the most and when the least?

Last but not least, it is important to keep in mind that most of the most common hair problems can be solved through a healthy lifestyle.

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