Remedy With Nettle And Lemon To Improve Anemia

To improve our anemia problems, it is much better to include foods that contain iron in the diet before its supplements, since our body will assimilate it better and without side effects.

Improving anemia can be difficult for many people. This disease, which involves a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood, can be caused by an iron deficiency or be a symptom of a health disorder.

In addition, in some cases it causes symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss or tachycardia. Therefore, it should be controlled before it worsens.

In this article we introduce you to an ancient remedy based on nettle and lemon, two very beneficial ingredients, which will allow you to prevent and improve anemia naturally.

Now, it is not a miracle product, so you should consult your doctor in any case. Given this warning, let’s know what anemia is and the remedy that we have indicated to help you fight it. 

The importance of controlling anemia

If we suspect that we may suffer from anemia, for example, by feeling more tired than normal for no reason, it is essential to have blood tests and go to the doctor to discover the origin of the problem.

Doctor with blood test.

Anemia can respond to different causes, such as nutritional deficits, or it can be related to a health problem that should be ruled out.

The doctor will be in charge of making the diagnosis and prescribing the appropriate treatment, depending on the cause, type and severity of the anemia.

Beware of iron supplements!

If we consider taking an iron supplement to improve anemia, we must know its possible side effects. These can cause oxidation that causes us discomfort and digestive problems.

Therefore, it is always preferable to increase the consumption of foods rich in iron, such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, beets, parsley, pollen or alfalfa.

If we still decide to take an iron supplement, we will improve its assimilation if we combine it with vitamin C.

The nettle, a powerful ally

Nettle is a plant that grows wild and that, despite not being widely known as a food, is an edible vegetable that can be used to make soups and creams.

Nettle plant.

On a medicinal level, its most common use is in infusion or as a supplement. It can be collected from contamination-free areas, always with suitable gloves. Its stinging characteristic disappears when cooked or dried.

Likewise, nettle has vitamins and minerals, among which iron stands out, as well as digestive, liver and diuretic properties. Therefore, it is an excellent remedy to purify the body in general.

In this sense, in addition to helping us correct possible nutritional deficiencies, it will also be useful to cleanse the body.

Lemon, a fruit with many benefits

Lemon cannot be lacking in any treatment, as it helps us to enhance the purification of the body while improving the assimilation of nutrients.

In this case, the lemon is rich in vitamin C, which improves the absorption of the iron present in the food we eat.

We recommend always choosing organic lemons and using their grated peel in infusions, desserts, sauces, salads … We can also freeze it to use it when we need it.

How to take advantage of nettle and lemon to improve anemia?

Nettle in jars.

Given its multiple benefits, we can combine both ingredients in a single remedy to help us against anemia. Pay attention to how to make it:


  • 5 tablespoons of dried green nettle (50 g)
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 liter of water


  1. First, we will put the water to cook and, when it comes to a boil, we will turn off the heat and add the nettle.
  2. We will cover the container and let it infuse for 5 minutes. Next we will strain it.
  3. We will squeeze the lemon and add it to the infusion.
  4. We can sweeten with a little stevia or honey.

How should we take it?

We will drink this drink throughout the day, better outside of meals. We can drink, for example, two glasses on an empty stomach, one in the middle of the morning and one in the middle of the afternoon.

We will consume it  for fifteen days  to increase iron levels and prevent and improve anemia. After these two weeks, we can take a cup of this infusion a day, as maintenance.

For their part, women can take it during the days of menstruation to compensate for the loss of iron.

Also keep in mind …

In the same way, to enhance the effects of this treatment we should get used to adding a splash of lemon juice to meals, as this will help us to improve the assimilation of iron.

On the other hand, raw parsley is also an excellent seasoning, as it contains vitamin C and iron in good amounts.

We must emphasize that this remedy, being very cleansing, can cause some temporary discomfort, such as headaches or mild temporary eruptions, which will disappear without major importance.

In summary, if you suffer from anemia problems, do not hesitate to take this infusion of nettle and lemon to improve it. Now, we remind you again of the need to consult your doctor, since we could be facing a significant health problem.

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