Remedy With Parsley And Lemon To Cleanse Your Kidneys

Few plants are as cleansing as parsley. It flavors many of our foods, but its medicinal principles are very effective for a large number of ailments. If we combine it with lemon juice, we will obtain an excellent remedy to cleanse your kidneys.

Here’s how to get it.

The need to cleanse your kidneys

Cleaning your kidneys is not an exercise that we should do from time to time. It is a habit to implement in our daily life to be healthier and feel better.

Keep in mind that the basic function of our kidneys is to clean the blood and eliminate waste material. Therefore, what happens when this function is not done correctly, when there is an excess of toxic materials, or proteins? That our blood, “more full of unfiltered toxic elements”, makes us sick. Colic, kidney stones and various diseases appear to be aware of.

Therefore, it must be avoided. Hence, you should follow the following tips:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, limit dairy too.
  • Cut down on processed foods.
  • Substitute vegetable protein for animal protein.
  • Eliminate salt from your meals, as well as sweets, and alcohol.

It takes a bit of effort, but without a doubt you will feel better …

How do I know that I should purify the kidneys?

Take note of the following symptoms for the sake of your health:

  • How is your urine? Coffee color or Coca-Cola type? This is a clear indicator that our kidneys have a problem.
  • High tension.
  • Back pain, just in the lower part that radiates to the abdomen.
  • Being very thirsty
  • Feeling a lot of urge to urinate, going to the bathroom many times and not feeling satisfied or relieved.
  • Have swollen ankles, or even eyes.
  • Inexplicable tiredness
  • It is true that these symptoms can be due to many other diseases. However, if two or three dimensions of the referenced ones come together, you should make it clear to your doctor.

How can parsley and lemon help me cleanse my kidneys?

Juices and infusions to deflate the belly

1. Parsley

  • It is a powerful antioxidant: it rejuvenates the cells of the kidneys, facilitating their function.
  • It is rich in minerals, capable of keeping the kidneys strong, purifying, in addition to toxins and fat, these very important organs.
  • Contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll and  vitamin C: ideal for preventing infections, tumors and of course, strengthening the body’s immune system.
  • Parsley is a great diuretic: it helps to eliminate fluids naturally.
  • Reduces the  hypertension, which is perfect for kidney health.

2. The lemon

  • Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P. These two elements help us to strengthen and take care of the blood vessels of the kidneys. As well as to treat hypertension so harmful to their function, and of course, detoxify them. It is magnificent.
  • Lemons are low in sodium and high in potassium, which is ideal for our kidneys. What’s more, many doctors recommend substituting lemon juice for salt. Very easy and healthy!

How can I benefit from parsley and lemon?

Very simple, in our space we provide you with a very good parsley and lemon remedy to cleanse your kidneys, and that it is ideal to follow it at least two days a week.

How do we prepare it?

  • You need five sprigs of parsley, which you should clean well.
  • Then, take it to a pot with a liter of boiling water.
  • Subsequently, include the parsley and bring it to a boil so that its essential properties escape into the water.

It is a very classic remedy that you have surely already heard of. Well, natural medicine is sometimes effective and it is worth benefiting from these therapeutic plants.

  • Once it has come to a boil, strain this liter of water and add the juice of a lemon. Very easy.

When do we take it?  There are four glasses, so we will start with a glass on an empty stomach. Another after your lunch, another in the afternoon and another after your dinner. It will be very digestive and ideal for purifying your kidneys.

You can do it once or twice a week. The flavor may be a bit strong, but you must not forget that this remedy has a high content of vitamins and that it will be very energetic and optimal if, for example, you suffer from anemia.

So what if we start today? Your kidneys will thank you! In any case, if you feel any symptoms or discomfort in the kidney, you should consult your doctor.

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