The Best Age Is What You Are Now

The best age is the one you are now, neither more nor less. When we are young we long to reach the stage of independence. We think of that milestone as if it were home to the most interesting dreams, loves or adventures.

Later, as time goes by, it seems that some find it difficult to fit the completed years. They resist what the mirror shows, those candles that they add on each anniversary.

What happens to these people? Have they forgotten that as they grow, so do the opportunities to learn and bond with those around them?

It is still possible to get on new trains. Nor is it too late to start those projects we had in mind. We reflect on these questions below.

What, then, is the best age?

Some people say that “I don’t recognize myself in the mirror. I feel younger inside ”. Is this something to worry about? Absolutely. In fact, in a way it is a habitual and even positive attitude.

In those cases, the protagonists accept the age that time has given them. They admit wrinkles on the face or what, without intending it, they transmit with their eyes.

However, what happens on the occasions when those involved refuse to assume seniority? The continuous longing for youth or low self-esteem can provide an explanation for this.

Let’s look at it more slowly in the following sections.

The best age is your current age

The tireless pursuit of youth

The story goes that Diana of Poitiers, the famous mistress of King Henry II of France, was constantly obsessed with avoiding maturity. She could not bear to see how her face changed, how her hair grayed and how she lost the favors of that king who supported her.

He explored a thousand formulas and paid large amounts of money to various alchemists. Thus, he reached 66 years of age with a fragile, thin and sickly appearance. It is likely that he looked considerably younger than he really was, but he did so through intense suffering.

Subsequent bone analysis revealed that this woman spent half her life consuming gold to fight aging.

Was the slow intoxication, the anemia, worth it? We do not know. However, today and at another level, it seems that this same search continues to be repeated.

We find that physical appearance is often overrated. There is a widespread obsession to recreate the image that accompanied us seasons ago.

Now, beyond the desired attractiveness, such concern often produces anxiety and frustration.

Therefore, it is worth asking: is it so important to show off that boyish look as to put your own well-being at stake?

The tireless pursuit of youth

The true self esteem, the best age

He who feels good about himself and satisfied with what he has achieved is part of an ideal position to recognize his age.

In turn, it is an attitude that encompasses more than just external appearance.

That is, despite personal disappointments or failures, those with optimal self-esteem overcome obstacles more easily.

  • That self-love is the true engine that drives us, preventing the feeling of helplessness from invading us.
  • If we value ourselves, we will find a way to harmonize the different circumstances with the vital moments in which we find ourselves.
  • This appreciation for oneself is a daily practice. Even if we have bad days, we know that later we will get ahead.
  • We will hit bottom to get back up. And this does not make us weak individuals, but men and women who have learned from their own experiences.

True self esteem

And how old are you?

Accepting oneself supposes, then, integrating the completed years in that self-evaluation that we do of ourselves.

I do not wish to be of another age. I feel comfortable with the one I have, neither more nor less, because they are dreams made. Because each stage lived has led me to build what I am.

I admit that I still have challenges to meet. Every day I consider new projects full of illusion. I look back and I know that I have matured, that everything that happened has been worth it.

Satisfied for each stone drawn, I dare to say that the best age is the one I have today and now.

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