The Dangers Of Eating Instant Soup?

Noodles or instant soup are a fast food that has become very popular in recent years. It represents an easy and inexpensive option for those who have just enough time to cook.

Although those who consume them probably do not consider them precisely a healthy food, they prefer them to hamburgers, French fries or any other fast food.

However, people are unaware that this food is not exactly a good alternative.

Below we reveal the details about its consumption.

Instant soup is not easily digested

Instant soup noodles are not easily digested and remain intact in the stomach for up to two hours after reaching this vital organ. This time represents much more than it can take other types of homemade noodles.

Several concerns arose from this finding due to the impact that poor digestion can have.

Instant soup indigestion

For starters, the digestive system could be under severe strain. This occurs due to the fact that you have to work for many hours to digest these highly processed foods. When a food remains in the digestive tract for a long time there is also an impact on the absorption of nutrients.

However, noodles and instant soup have no nutritional value. Instead of nutrients, these foods have a long list of additives, including the toxic preservative tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ).

Most likely, this additive is kept in the stomach along with the noodles. This can lead to a health problem in the long time it takes for the noodles to digest.

Just 5 grams of Conservative TBHQ can be lethal

It is a by-product of the petroleum industry that is listed as an “antioxidant” and it is not. What consumers should understand is that it is a synthetic chemical with antioxidant properties, but it is not a natural antioxidant, which is what does our body good.

What these types of synthetic “antioxidants” do is prevent the oxidation of fats and oils. Therefore, they extend the shelf life of processed foods.

TBHQ is usually present in most processed foods that we can find in the market. It is also used for varnishes, lacquers, pesticide products, cosmetics and perfumes.

Experts in Food Additives have determined that very low doses of TBHQ are suitable for human consumption. But the truth is that it has been found that 5 grams of this additive can be lethal.

In fact, the Dictionary of Food Additives, ensures that in large doses TBHQ can cause hyperactivity, asthma, hives, insomnia, cholesterol or metabolism problems in the liver.

Instant soup consumption is linked to Metabolic Syndrome

Go to the nutritionist before dieting.

A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition was able to determine that women who consumed more instant noodle soups had a higher risk of having metabolic syndrome.

According to this research, women who ate instant soup twice a week were 68% more likely to have metabolic syndrome.

This can lead to serious disorders such as obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, triglycerides, and low levels of the good HDL cholesterol.

People who ate the most instant soup got the least amount of essential nutrients. In addition, the levels of bad fats, calories and sodium were increased.

The best is a healthy diet

Eating instant soup occasionally is not a health hazard, but avoid eating it regularly. The best thing is to choose a good diet with fresh, natural and healthy food for our body.

To completely eliminate processed foods from your diet, it is best to plan your menu in advance and stick with it every day of the week.

Take care of your health!

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