The Difficult Reality Of Accepting What Cannot Be

It is not worth wasting our time. You have to accept what cannot be as soon as possible.

Accepting what cannot be is a difficult task. Well, sometimes, the unattainable becomes something very desirable that we want to achieve at all costs. But is it worth it to us? Sometimes, on the road to achieving what we really cannot, we leave our time and even parts of ourselves that will be very difficult to recover. For example, our self-esteem.

We can only be friends, accept what cannot be


Perhaps you have ever found yourself in the position of falling in love with someone who does not feel the same about you. However, because of how in love you are, you have remained at the foot of the canyon.

The other person has been honest with you. He has expressed how he feels about you, he has told you that you can only be friends. However, you still have a hope that you are only nurturing yourself.

In the movies, you may have seen relationships in which one of the members did not want anything with the other at first. Something that makes you consider that in real life this can also happen.

However, your effort and failed attempts can cause the other person to end up avoiding you and even breaking the friendship they had with you. All this because you have not known how to respect what he had told you.

During the process of “struggle” that you have maintained, you have humbled yourself. You have had to accept situations in which the person you liked talked to you about others, perhaps in an attempt to get the idea of ​​a possible relationship out of your head.

Nor did it suit you very well that he told you repeatedly that he loved you but only as a friend. Another attempt to make you open your eyes before the friendship fell apart.

However, you only see what you want to see and romantic movies, for some reason, we do not consider fiction like many others. We believe that everything we see can be possible, something that many times is not like that.

Our relationship is going nowhere

Accepting what cannot be is also part of all those relationships that go nowhere. It may be that we maintain a long distance relationship in which that will not change over time, or a relationship in which there is no love, no passion, or anything that invites us to continue together. In these cases, you have to accept what cannot be.

However, beliefs about love incite us to fight, to endure and to maintain a relationship that is gradually wearing thin. It’s not worth wasting our time. You have to accept what cannot be as soon as possible.

Drop and move on


It’s hard for us to let go of an idea, a relationship, a partner or an illusion and move on. We cling to what cannot be, because we maintain a hope that feeds on air.

We tend not only to fight for what cannot be, but to refuse to accept reality as it is. In this way, we hit a wall a thousand times, until, finally, we manage to open our eyes. Then we will realize that we should have dropped our attempts much earlier, because they were leading us nowhere.

It is normal that it costs us to move on, but life goes on. Nothing ends with a relationship, a person, or even with an illusion. Letting go is a liberation and allows us to realize how foolish we have been in fighting for a cause that was lost from the beginning. Our wishes and desires made us see that there was a hint of hope in all of it.

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