Tips For Saving If You Are Going To Reform The Bathroom

Making the decision to reform a room at home is not easy. Indeed, in addition to time, effort and the possibility of unforeseen events, there is always the economic question. When it comes to reforming the bathroom, the possible investment can go through the roof if we do not take into account some aspects that will help us save.

Take note!

Tips to save if you are going to reform the bathroom

First of all, it all depends on what type of reform your bathroom needs. So, for example, you may need a comprehensive reform, including taps, toilets and pipes. In that case, things get complicated.

However, you may only need a few occasional changes and a good redecoration, which is much easier and more affordable.

In any case, there are some tips that you can take into account to save if you are going to reform the bathroom. Thus, the budget will be cheaper and, except for unforeseen events, you will not have to make a higher investment than you had thought.

Plan and be clear about the budget to reform

Plan your expenses

The first thing to do is determine what kind of reform we need or want. To do this, it is important to observe the room, detect problems (something broken, for example), know our needs in the long and short term and establish a budget. Finally, we can begin to think about what we are going to do.

As you can see, it is about planning according to the budget once we are clear about what we need. However, we must also be clear about what we do not need. 

In addition, on the other hand, it is important to know that we must always leave a part of the budget for possible unforeseen events. Indeed, perhaps once the works have begun, a problem arises that must be solved. In that case, you will not have to look for extra financing, but the unforeseen event can be covered with the assigned budget.

Use vinyls

In the market there are adhesive vinyl for bathrooms that can give yours an exclusive decorative touch and a unique character. Also, they are much cheaper than investing in tiles.

They come in many types and sizes, and are specially designed so that their adherence can withstand the humidity in the bathroom. In fact, they are waterproof.

Thus, you do not have to worry that they will last for a short time. In addition, since they are very affordable, you can unleash your imagination and decorate the bathroom as you have always dreamed of at a reasonable price.

Prefer a fixed shower panel


A fixed shower panel is much cheaper than a sliding one. Indeed, sliding bathroom screens usually have anchors and accessories and their installation is much more complicated. Also, if these parts are damaged, you will have to replace them.

For its part, a fixed shower panel will get rid of all these problems. As it is just one panel that does not need to be adjusted to others to open or close, it is much cheaper.

Think long term to remodel the bathroom

It is not just about what you want when you are going to reform the bathroom. It is also about anticipating future needs and thus avoiding a new reform later. 

Thus, for example, it would be interesting to opt for a bathtub with handles or change it for a shower. In this way, you will avoid many headaches if someone in the future has mobility problems, they are elderly, etc.

Think, therefore, of the practical, of what will really serve you both now and in the future. For example, there are toilets and taps that save water. Although they may be more expensive to buy now, you will pay off the investment soon and, in addition, you will take care of the environment.

On the other hand, it is important that you choose a decorating style that does not tire you. Indeed, something may seem fantastic to you now but, in a few years, it will be out of date or you no longer like it so much. For that reason, imagine your bathroom and its appearance in the future as well. You will avoid a new reform in a few years.

The first is the first

Woman organizing

Do not think that certain reforms are a way of wasting money and that they are expendable. Perhaps, for example, in your bathroom there is a source of humidity. In this case, the decoration and other aspects can wait or the budget for them should be limited.

Indeed, humidity is a serious problem that can affect health but also the very structure of the bathroom. Therefore, it is better to prioritize what really has it and make cuts in other less important aspects.

As you can see, the trick is to be clear about things, prioritize and stick strictly to your budget. Otherwise, the final expense may be much higher than we had planned.

Of course, it is also important to bear in mind that a reform is not for a few days or a stage, but we intend that it will last. Therefore, think carefully about the future needs and the efficiency of the accessories that you are going to acquire. 

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