Tips For Shiny Floors

Certainly, the choice of floor coverings are part of the decoration. This is an important decision, and you have to evaluate various aspects such as aesthetics, material, texture and color. In addition, if you want to keep floors shiny and impeccable, you have to assess aspects such as their duration and maintenance over time.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account what the floor is like, since, depending on the material, the recommendations to keep the floors shiny and in optimal conditions will vary. The idea is to make the spaces look not only clean, but also clear.

Sometimes it seems that the shine wears off over time and we need to get shiny floors. Next, we give you the tips to properly maintain the different types of flooring according to their material.

Glossy wooden floors

glossy wooden floors

To ensure that your wooden floors are always shiny, the first thing you should do is avoid scratches when moving furniture. For this, it is advisable to put adhesive felt on the legs of the furniture.

Wood is a material that needs to be polished from time to time, as it tends to lose its shine and become matte. To keep wooden floors shiny for longer, we give you a tip with homemade and easy-to-find products. 

Every time you clean regularly, try to wring the mop very well and use a small amount of floor cleaners. Later, when everything is dry, apply the layer of wax to rehydrate and protect the wood.

The first thing you have to do is vacuum to remove the dust. Next, put 3 liters of water in a bucket together with a splash of vinegar and the lemon juice. Then, mop with this mixture as usual and let it dry.

Ceramic floors

Glossy floors.

Ceramic floors are one of the most used coatings, they  are perfect in any environment, and they are the most recommended in kitchens and bathrooms.

Among the advantages they offer us, the resistance and the ease with which they are cleaned stand out. If you follow the trick we give you, you will have shiny and clean floors for longer.

To put this trick into practice you need two ingredients:

  • Apple cider vinegar, which will help to perfume and disinfect in a natural way.
  • Baking soda, which is an excellent natural bleach, will help make shiny floors last longer clean.

First of all, you should sweep or vacuum all the dust from the floor well. To continue, put 3 liters of water in a bucket and add 1 gram of baking soda. Once it’s dissolved, add a splash of apple cider vinegar. Next, mop it well wrung out on a regular basis and let it dry.

Glossy porcelain floors

These types of floors are bright in and of themselves.  They are very resistant and come in large formats. To keep them flawless, we give you this trick:

  1. Remove all the dust  with a broom or vacuum cleaner.
  2. Mix 3 liters of water in a bucket with a cap of detergent or neutral liquid soap.
  3. Run the mop perfectly wrung out all over the floor and let it dry.
  4. Repeat the procedure as many times as needed.

Cement floors

At first, this type of flooring was only for industrial use. However, today they are frequently used in minimalist decoration. Although they are not really shiny floors, they can be given a certain touch. To do this, you must be careful not to use elements that scratch it , nor acid substances for cleaning.

Only by applying water with some neutral soap will you achieve that it is perfect. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove all the dust with the broom or vacuum cleaner.
  2. Mix the water and  a cap of neutral soap in a bucket .
  3. Pass the mop very wrung out with the prepared mixture and let it dry


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