Tips To Reduce Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a modifiable risk factor, which means that the adoption of a lifestyle that includes the practice of physical exercise intervenes in the improvement of the health of the person.

Physical inactivity is considered one of the biggest risk factors for the development of heart disease. In fact, a direct relationship between sedentary lifestyle and cardiovascular mortality has been established . A sedentary person has a higher risk of suffering arterioresclerosis, hypertension and some respiratory diseases.

Sitting for many hours at the desk and later on the sofa at home is not good for your health. Like other factors,  sedentary lifestyle is a modifiable risk factor.

The adoption of a lifestyle that includes the practice of physical exercise intervenes in the improvement of the person’s health and reduces their cardiovascular risk. In this sense, prevention in childhood is especially relevant.

In the following article we offer some tips to reduce sedentary lifestyle.

8 bad habits that affect the health of your heart.

How to reduce sedentary lifestyle?

It is arguably one of the major problems of the 21st century. And its consequences, as mentioned above, are serious. Below we develop ways to combat sedentary lifestyle.

1. Exercise

The most direct way to break with sedentary lifestyle is to start any type of activity according to the situation and characteristics of the person.

It is highly recommended to ask a specialist for advice on which sports can be more favorable to the person. Swimming or yoga are generally a good place to start. But the important thing is not what exercise it is but to maintain the routine.

Planning a schedule in which to exercise that is comfortable and committing to do it will be the keys to carrying out the activity.

2. Always be active

In addition to exercising, it is very important to try to move as much as possible. The goal is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle at all times. For example, walking instead of using means of transport or climbing stairs instead of using the elevator.

Little by little the body gets used to the movement and in the end it always gets easier. 

Today’s jobs tend to make a person sit or sit for many hours. For example, you can reduce the sedentary lifestyle that these tasks produce by getting up from your seat from time to time and taking a walk.

Another interesting idea to reduce sedentary lifestyle is for example when you are talking on the phone with someone, taking a walk around the office. Or take advantage of lunch time to go out. This is also very useful to improve blood circulation and digestion.

3. Choose an active vacation

An excellent alternative is to go to places that encourage you to be active. Such as the mountains or new cities.  In the same way, you can participate in programs that each day have different exercises proposed. For example, hiking, bike rides, sightseeing or even dance classes by the pool or the sea.

Any option is valid. The best thing to do, however, is to carry out these types of activities in the morning or at dusk to avoid excessive heat.

4. Let the activity continue at home

At home you can keep up the activity very easily. Dancing and playing with the family or with yourself is a fun option to keep fit. Taking care of the pet and also playing with it are good activities for health.

The important thing is to enjoy afternoons of games, outdoors or indoors where physical activity is done without realizing it.

Another way to reduce sedentary lifestyle is to take advantage of home cleaning sessions. While scrubbing, washing, or dusting, one can move to the happiest music. Doing household chores can become a fun activity in a very simple way.

Moving and exercising is not complicated, and thanks to this, serious illnesses and problems for the person can be avoided. It is always a good time to start a new activity. 

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