Treatment Of Migraine

There are two types of migraine depending on which a preventive or palliative treatment is chosen.

Personalized migraine treatment is very important, since its characteristics vary depending on the patient.

The high prevalence of migraine has prompted studies to better understand it. Thus, the first step has been to establish the difference between a migraine attack and other types of headache.

In this sense, it has been defined as throbbing pain that worsens with physical activity. However, there are different degrees of it, as well as disparate symptoms in some cases and others.

However, we can talk about chronic and episodic migraine. The first occurs when it is suffered more than 15 days a month, for more than three months, while the average of the episodic is usually around 3 times a month.

Origin of migraine

Man with migraine

Although the root causes are not known, we do know their pathophysiological bases. It is a neurovascular disorder associated with cortical hyperexcitability.

Thanks to imaging tests and electrophysical studies, a neuronal polarization has been detected that leads the patient to suffer a crisis with aura. Migraine attacks with aura are episodes of headaches combined with various symptoms (visual, sensory, motor, etc.).

An example would be those people who, before, during or after suffering the migraine episode, observe flashes of light in their field of vision.

Likewise, during the episodes a transient alteration of oxygen is perceived in the brain, which could partly explain this disease. All this causes a disseminated cortical depression that activates the channels of pain.

On the other hand, it is not strange that the pains are reproduced as a result of an excessive intake of painkillers. These can stimulate sensitivity to pain.

Treatment of migraine

Unlike other pathologies, migraine treatments are highly individualized. Each patient feels pain in a different way, so medication doses must be specific to each individual.

However, there are clear divergences between one type of migraine and another:  chronic is very disabling. In fact, the WHO ranks it 19th among diseases of this type.

Thus, while in chronic migraine the treatment is aimed at prevention, in the episodic one opts for symptomatic treatment. In the latter case, it is indicated that the medication should be taken as quickly as possible.

Treatment of chronic migraine

Treatment of migraine

As we said, prevention is essential in this case. Therefore, the first thing that is recommended is to adapt life habits to the demands of the ailment. Therefore, it is imperative to cut out caffeine, get regular moderate exercise, and eat and sleep on a schedule.

Also, this should be combined with medical treatment that will depend on the origin of the migraine:

  • For the control of cortical excitability: beta-blockers, antiepileptics and triptans.
  • To balance the release of neurotransmitters: the most effective option according to studies is the application of botulinum toxin type A (botulinum injection), as it has analgesic and muscle relaxant power.
  • If the pain is due to medication abuse:
    • Detoxification
    • Prophylaxis
    • Psychological Support
    • Training to achieve muscle relaxation

Treatment of episodic migraine

These cases are easier to tackle. We just have to deal with the symptoms. Therefore, the use of anti-inflammatories or acetylsalicylic acid is recommended as soon as the first symptoms appear.

If the migraine comes from the hand of nausea or vomiting, it is advisable to take a natural remedy to help control them. Likewise, it is best to avoid strong lighting and loud noises, as these aggravate it. Bearing this in mind, we must emphasize that it is important to  be in an environment that encourages rest and relaxation.

Finding a migraine treatment

Need to find a migraine treatment

It is essential in the case of chronic, but also in the case of episodic, since excessive consumption of medication can result in an exacerbation of it.

Taking into account that it is estimated that patients with this disease lose 1% of their life, and that, in addition, they are at risk of suffering from depression or anxiety, getting a proper diagnosis and treatment becomes a matter of vital importance.

Also, to avoid complications with mental disorders, support and understanding of the patient’s environment is part of the treatment of migraine. Otherwise, many sufferers tend to feel lonely and guilty.

However, despite the difficulties encountered by those who suffer from this pathology, it is estimated that 60% of cases have not been diagnosed. Consequently, it is necessary for them to go to a specialist doctor to provide the relief they need.

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