Try Vinegar As A Degreaser For Your Dishwasher

Do you need a degreaser for your dishwasher? As many know, this element in the kitchen tends to accumulate grease and food residues that, in addition to being unpleasant, can accumulate a large amount of bacteria. Therefore, it is essential to do a deep cleaning with the appropriate products.

Today many degreasing formulas of industrial origin can be purchased. However, many are full of chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. So, if you are looking for an ecological alternative to fulfill this task, be sure to try this effective ingredient: vinegar.

Why use vinegar as a degreaser?

Vinegar, especially white vinegar and apple cider vinegar, has interesting applications in the home. In fact, long before industrial products invaded the market, it was the number one choice for disinfecting and facilitating many household chores.

Today we propose its use as a degreaser for your dishwasher, since it helps to remove all those grease residues that tend to accumulate on its surface. In addition, due to its acetic acid content, it acts as a disinfectant, eliminating bacteria.

Among other things, using it in this cleaning task reduces the presence of bad smells in the kitchen. It also brightens the material in the dishwasher and makes everything look more flawless. Still not trying it? Take note!

How to make a vinegar degreaser for your dishwasher

Due to its content of organic acids, white vinegar is one of the best solutions to remove mold stains from clothes.

You don’t need a magic formula to turn vinegar into a degreaser for your dishwasher. You should even just combine it with a little liquid soap and baking soda. If you already have all these ingredients, do not forget to follow the steps for their preparation.


  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar or apple cider (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (40 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid soap (5 ml)


  • First, combine the baking soda with the liquid soap.
  • Subsequently, spray the preparation on the dishwasher, distributing it evenly.
  • Then sprinkle with the vinegar to give it a slightly fizzy effect with the other ingredients.
  • Rub with a sponge and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Lastly, rinse off with lukewarm water.

Degreaser with lemon and vinegar

Another natural formula that you can use as a degreaser for your dishwasher is the mixture of lemon with vinegar. Both are characterized by their antimicrobial properties and their ability to loosen dirt. Do you want to apply this alternative? Take aim!


  • A lemon
  • 1/2 cup of vinegar (125 ml)


  • Cut a lemon in half and rub it on the surface of the dishwasher.
  • Next, sprinkle with the vinegar.
  • Wait for it to act for about 10 minutes and rinse.
  • You will immediately notice the difference.

    Tips for better results

    It is good to disinfect the sponges from time to time.

    If you want better results when using these degreasers for your dishwasher, be sure to be consistent with their use. Although it is not necessary to use them every day, the ideal is to do it at least once a week. This prevents too much grease and debris from accumulating on the surface.

    Avoid spilling oils or shortenings into the dishwasher. Take into account that these can solidify, also affecting the pipes. So, look for alternative ways to get rid of kitchen grease.

    Have you already tried them? If you still haven’t given these natural degreasers a chance, try them now. You will realize that you do not need to buy those expensive products from the market that are also harmful to the environment.

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