What Are The Best Supplements For Sports Nutrition

To have a sculpted body not only is enough to exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Those who are dedicated to maintaining their figure in perfect condition add supplements for sports nutrition to their diet. These boost energy and guarantee better results.

As this study carried out by the High Performance Center of Chile assures, sports training must consist of correct nutrition, but also correct hydration. Do not forget!

Having a slender, molded body, worthy of a walk on the beach requires effort and a healthy diet. And, of course, a help to maintain it. Keep reading!

What are sports nutrition supplements?

There are multiple sports nutrition supplements. It may seem that they all give the same results. However, they depend on tastes, intensity of exercise, hours of work, etc. In the same way, on certain occasions they are accompanied by a very specific diet.

Its intake would be motivated by various factors, according to this research carried out by the University of Valparaíso (Chile). Supplements for sports nutrition help to develop muscles much better because of their high fiber content. Its daily consumption increases the results of the exercise. In addition, they improve metabolism causing weight loss or increase muscle mass.

Supplements in sports nutrition

These elements are made of different flavors to suit the tastes of each consumer. Therefore,  the  ideal is to consume them after a day of strong exercises to recover the muscle from the damage done and make it grow.

However, not everyone can consume the same thing. These supplements are loaded with other substances that better accommodate every need. Therefore , it is important that you know which ones you can consume to obtain a fitness body in a reasonable time.

What are the best supplements?

Whey protein or whey protein

Without a doubt, exercise enthusiasts have opted for the traditional w hey protein  or whey protein. This supplement, according to this study carried out by the Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, is beneficial for our body thanks to its bioactive components. Therefore, it is consumed especially by those who are dedicated to bodybuilding.

All due to its high content of complex peptides (ß-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, glycomacro-peptide, etc.). In addition, w hey protein contains all the essential amino acids, and is rich in BCAAs, leucine and cysteine.

It is because of this load that athletes who are dedicated to the exhibition of bodies prefer it, since it is also very effective in the medium term. However, it must be accompanied by a healthy diet and exercise since the supplement alone does not produce greater results.

How to take it?

  • We suggest that if you are going to start your exercise and diet regimen accompanied by this supplement, take between 10 and 30 grams 30 minutes before training. Then eat the same amount when you’re done.

Supplements in sports nutrition

Due to its high levels of leucine, the anabolic stimulus is efficient since it is loaded with fewer calories. Also, its cysteine ​​load generates an increase in the production of glutathione in the body.

That is, it increases the antioxidant capacity. And, in the same way, it is compatible with people who suffer from anxiety and seek to lose weight, since it reduces hunger.

Creatine monohydrate

According to this research carried out by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​this supplement for sports nutrition collaborates in muscle building and has a high safety profile. It also increases creatine and phosphocreatine (PCr) in muscle. This maintains energy during high intensity exercises, such as weight lifting.


It may be the most widely used stimulant, and for good reason. It is an effective ergogenic aid in both endurance exercise and high intensity activity. However, when it comes to strength performance, the effects are a bit confusing but visually present.

However, we must bear in mind, as stated in this research by the Center for Studies, Research and Sports Medicine (CEIMD) of Navarra (Spain), that the better an athlete has, the less the effects of these elements will be noticed. .

In the same way, the same research suggests that athletes who consume caffeine decrease fatigue rates and the perception of effort. This is beneficial during high intensity and volume workouts.

Citrulline malate (CM)

In principle, this supplement for sports nutrition was marketed as an anti-fatigue product. However,  it has recently become popular for its performance-enhancing effects in athletes.

The benefits seen with the consumption of citrulline malate are attributed to the combination of L-citrulline and malate. This blend helps increase ATP rates during exercise, followed by higher levels of recovery after activity.

A person consuming 8 grams can increase the number of repetitions performed during training. In addition, it would reduce pain 24 and 48 hours after training.

In fact, a Mississippi State University study concluded the following: a single dose of citrulline malate increased the number of repetitions in the lower body.

Protein tablets

For those who do not have enough time to prepare shakes, tablets are the best option. If you leave work and go straight to the gym, on the way you can eat a tablet that has a significant load of amino acids. They are generally obtained from protein sources such as whey and contain about 1 g per tablet.

However, we must be aware that its intake may have side effects. This is determined by this research carried out by the Autonomous University of Madrid.

It should be noted that if you want to take supplements for sports nutrition, you must do so under the supervision of a nutrition specialist or a coach with knowledge in the area of ​​nutrition. Remember that all supplements respond to different needs.

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