What Is A Carcinoma?

Carcinoma is a cancer of the epithelial cells of the body. It can be classified according to its location and behavior, but also according to the cells from which it is derived.

A carcinoma is a type of cancer derived from epithelial tissue. This fabric is the one that covers all the surfaces of the body, both externally and internally. This includes the mucous membranes that are in the cavities and ducts, as well as the skin.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide today. We all hear about it or know someone who has suffered from it. However, we have little knowledge about the characteristics of each type.

Therefore, in this article we explain everything you need to know about carcinoma and its types. This way you will be able to know the most important signs and symptoms of cancer with the highest incidence to be able to detect it early.

What is a carcinoma?

Carcinoma accounts for almost 80% of all cancers. The word comes from the Greek karkinoma, which means ‘pain, ulcer or cancer’. It is a malignant tumor that can be divided into two main subtypes:

  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma.

    The epithelial tissue is what covers all parts of the body. It is part of our entire interior, but it is also what constitutes the skin.

    In turn, epithelial tissue is also the one that is present in many glands of the body. Some organs are glands themselves, such as the breasts, while other glands are within organs, such as the intestine or lungs.

    A carcinoma is a malignant tumor that is created from this epithelial tissue. That means that it can appear almost anywhere, since this tissue is one of the majority in the body.


    Adenocarcinoma is the subtype of carcinoma that originates in the cells of the glands. Precisely this type of cells divide continuously. This poses a greater danger of mutations and expansion. The places where it appears most frequently are:

    • Prostate
    • Mommy
    • Endometrium

    Squamous cell carcinoma

    Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. In turn, it is divided into two types: basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Both seem to be related to sun exposure.

    The main difference is that basal cell carcinoma is more common and tends to metastasize less than squamous cell carcinoma. However, both pose a risk and must be studied and treated.

    skin carcinoma

    What other classification is there for carcinomas?

    In addition to the previous classification that is based on the origin of the carcinoma, we can classify this cancer according to other parameters. For example, depending on the location or its way of developing. Thus we find:

    • Carcinoma in situ: it is the one that is in an initial phase, it has not produced metastasis or has spread beyond its limits. They are the ones that can be treated curatively with surgery.
    • Invasive carcinoma: refers to one that has begun to spread and damage the surrounding tissue or metastasize at a distance.

      The important thing is to know that carcinomas, like any type of cancer, pose a risk. They are entities that can mutate and transform. This means that a carcinoma in situ can easily become invasive.

      Risk factors for oral cancer

      Most important examples of carcinoma

      As we have explained, this type of cancer is very heterogeneous. It can affect many parts of the body and, in addition, includes many subtypes with their own characteristics. This makes talking about general diagnosis or treatment almost impossible.

      For this reason, we will mention the most frequent types of carcinoma: prostate and breast.

      Prostate carcinoma accounts for 95% of all prostate cancers. Both, both prostate and breast cancer, are the most common causes of cancer in both sexes.

      Breast carcinoma originates in the lobes where breast milk is produced or in the ducts through which it flows. This is a cancer with a great genetic influence. Today there is no way to prevent it, but ways have been created to detect it early.

      The main idea is to know that carcinoma comprises many different types of malignant tumors. Before any change in your body or suspicion it is essential to consult a doctor.

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