What Is Cloves For?

Have you ever wondered what cloves are for? Well, in addition to being a wonderful spice for culinary purposes, this ingredient has properties that could be used as an additional aid for certain health problems.

There are several studies that confirm the validity of its anesthetic properties in animals, as well as some bactericidal work. In humans it is still in the testing phase for various ailments, but that does not exempt its value as an alternative support in cases such as, for example, premature ejaculation.

What is cloves?

Cloves are a spice obtained from the flower buds of the clove tree. Its name in English derives from “clavus”, which is a Latin word that means nail . The ingredient is obtained when the flowers are dried to a brown color.

Its consistency is hard, but inside it contains oily substances that are the basis of its nutritional properties and flavor. Although it was initially used as a remedy for halitosis, today it is in a trial period for use against multiple ailments.


Nutritional properties of cloves

Before knowing what cloves are for, it is important to do a brief review of its properties. From a nutritional point of view, we can find in this ingredient:

  • Fatty acids
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin B
  • Calcium

One of its most important components is eugenol, known for its powerful antioxidant effect. This active ingredient improves blood circulation and reduces clot formation. It also protects against oxidative stress and minimizes the risk of certain diseases.

What is cloves for? Myths and truths

Clove oil

For years it has been believed that cloves could be a remedy for various ailments helping, among other things, to:

  • Prevent and treat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Relieve toothache
  • Decrease muscle and headaches
  • Promote the expulsion of phlegm
  • Combat gas build-up
  • Eliminate bad breath (halitosis)
  • Avoid abdominal swelling
  • Reduce menstrual cramps
  • Fight sleep problems
  • Relieve vaginal infections
  • Manage anxiety and stress

However, there is no proven scientific evidence to support these theories. According to information verified by the National Library of Medicine of the United States, the only use that has been proven effective has been against premature ejaculation.

It is also very important to have the approval of our doctor. This spice could be dangerous if we ingest it while taking anticoagulant medication (aspirin, among others), inhale it or inject it.

How do you use cloves?

Cloves can be taken in different ways. Its use to flavor certain foods is more than known, as long as it is ingested in small quantities. Would you like to discover how to prepare an infusion with this spice as the main ingredient?


  • 1 tablespoon of honey (15 g)
  • ΒΌ teaspoon ground cloves (1.5 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)


  • Combine honey and powdered cloves.
  • Subsequently, dilute the preparation in a cup of hot water.
  • Let it rest for a few minutes and consume it.

If you want to use this ingredient for tooth pain or infection, check with your doctor or dentist first. Despite the fact that cloves were used in dental practices for years, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of the United States) has disqualified its effectiveness due to the lack of conclusive evidence.

Clove contraindications

Clove remedies are contraindicated for people suffering from gastric ulcers or gastritis problems. Similarly, it should be avoided if you have an allergic reaction to the components of the nail.

As stated in previous paragraphs, patients who are under treatment with anticoagulants should consult their doctor before taking cloves in any of its forms. Its use is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

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